Alright, this is pretty much a companion post

to the ‘self watering garden.’

The following is a list (compiled by Teri Gear, UW-Extension Wood County) of garden plants to use next to each other, and ones that don’t get along so well.  I like the layout, and I think you might, too  🙂

Crop: Companion:

(Mutually beneficial)


(Benefit to crop)


(Detrimental to crop)

Asparagus Tomato, Parsley, Basil Marigold deters beetles
Beans Cabbage Family, Carrot, Corn, Celery, Chard, Cucumbers, Eggplant, Pea, Potato, Radish, Strawberry,

Beet (to bush beans only)

Marigolds, Nasturtium, Summer Savory, & Rosemary deter bean beetles.

Summer Savory improves growth and flavor.

Onion and Garlic stunt growth of beans.
Pole Beans Corn, Radish Summer Savory Onion, Beets, Kohlrabi, Sunflower
Beets Cabbage & Onion Families, Lettuce, Bush Beans Garlic improves growth and flavor. Pole Beans stunt each other’s growth.
Cabbage Family Celery, Beets, Onion, Cucumbers, Lettuce, Spinach, Chard, Potato Chamomile, Dill, Mint, & Garlic improve growth and flavor.

Catnip, Hyssop, Rosemary, & Sage deter cabbage moths.

Thyme deters cabbageworm.

Tansy deters cabbageworm & cutworm.

Tomato and Kohlrabi stunt each other’s growth.
Carrots Pea, Lettuce, Onion, Tomato, Radish, Pepper, Bean Rosemary & Sage deter carrot fly.

Chives improve growth and flavor.

Dill retards growth.
Celery Cabbage Family, Tomato, Beans Nasturtium deters bugs and aphids.
Corn Potato, Pea, Pumpkin, Cucumber, Squash, Melon, Parsley Odorless Marigolds and White Geraniums deter Japanese Beetles. Tomato attacked by the same worm.
Cucumber Beans, Corn, Pea, Radish, Cabbage Family, Tomato Oregano deters pests in general.

Nasturtiums deter pests and improve growth and flavor.

Sage is generally injurious.
Eggplant Beans, Pepper Marigold deters nematodes.
Lettuce Carrot, Radish, Strawberry, Beets, Cabbage Family, Onion Chives and Garlic deter aphids.
Melons Corn, Pumpkin, Radish, Squash Marigold, Nasturtium, & Oregano provide insect protection.
Onion Family Beets, Carrot, Lettuce, Chard, Cabbage Family, Pepper, Tomato Summer Savory and Chamomile improve growth and flavor. Beans and peas are stunted.
Parsley Tomato, Asparagus, Corn
Pea Carrots, Radish, Turnip, Cucumber, Corn, Beans Chives deter aphids.

Mint improves health and flavor.

Garlic and Onion stunt growth.
Pepper Carrot, Eggplant, Onion, Tomato
Potato Beans, Eggplant, Corn, Pea, Cabbage Family Marigold deters beetles.

Horseradish provides general protection when planted at each corner of patch.

Tomato attacked by same blight.
Pumpkins Corn, Melon, Squash Marigold, Nasturtium, & Oregano deter insects and provide general protection.
Radish Pea, Lettuce, Cucumber, Bean, Carrot, Melon Nasturtium & Chervil improve growth and flavor. Hyssop
Spinach Strawberry, Cabbage Family
Squash Corn, Melon, Pumpkin Nasturtium and Marigold deters bugs and beetles
Tomato Onion, Asparagus, Carrot, Parsley, Cucumber, Celery, Pepper Basil improves growth and flavor.

Monarda, Chives, and Mint improve health and flavor.

Borage deters tomato worm.

Marigold deters nematodes.

Corn attacked by the same worm.

Mature Dill retards tomato growth.

Potatoes attacked by the same blight.