
The home of all things rain…
…okay just random things.

Cedar Rain Bench update

By |2016-12-12T06:29:45+00:00June 14th, 2011|rain harvesting examples, raindom|

We were so excited about this we just had to share... Yep, it's a bench.   Yep, it's a rain barrel. It even catches the rain that falls on its surface while collecting roof runoff, too.  Unlike many previous designs, the fittings are hidden so only the tubes (for filling and overflow) show. [wp_eStore_add_to_cart id=6] The [...]

the natural way to harvest rain

By |2017-03-01T12:45:30+00:00May 22nd, 2011|for the garden, rain harvesting examples, raindom, sustainable design|

Tip of the Week #5 (archived, May 2011): dig a swale …what’s a swale, you ask?  Oh, just a depression that usually directs water from where you don’t want it to where you do.  I say ‘usually’ because we are promoting a more indirect method, for the purpose of groundwater recharge/ infiltration.  So in [...]

creative outdoor living designs

By |2016-12-12T06:29:45+00:00April 4th, 2011|design ideas, rain harvesting examples, raindom, sustainable design|

landscape designs, beautiful AND sustainable ... watch to see where the water is, and just how many rain barrels it takes to equal this design what follows is a plethora of designs incorporating the RainBench DIY kit as a customizable building block, from 40 to 96 gallons each and a variety of different materials...        hang [...]

Self Watering Garden 2.0

By |2017-02-02T11:05:29+00:00March 28th, 2011|design ideas, for the garden, rain harvesting examples, raindom, sustainable design|

check this out. every patio should have one... ...or two, or three. This is another way of making a self watering garden with our RainBench™ DIY kits (2 kits per 8'x3' garden above). The beginning of the video graphic above shows the RainBench™ DIY465, how it is assembled from the ground up.  Then just add [...]

the WaterShed

By |2016-12-12T06:29:45+00:00March 6th, 2011|design ideas, for the garden, rain harvesting examples, raindom, sustainable design|

want to see one of these in your garden? our first design had water all the way to the top, but that posed a few issues with hanging tools and other items, as well as pressure concerns.  Then we thought, "Gee, isn't 1650 gallons enough?  And here's a built-in work bench or potting bench, what [...]

bottom-filling a rain bench

By |2016-12-12T06:29:47+00:00January 13th, 2011|how-to, raindom|

Most of us would not try to fill a glass of water, or any container for that matter, by forcing it in the bottom. Why, then, do we insist that your rain bench be bottom-filled?  Hopefully  this post will explain that... Numero Uno:  Most important is the concept of pressure release.  Yes, I learned this the hard way. Picture [...]

groundwater recharge

By |2016-12-12T06:29:47+00:00January 7th, 2011|raindom, sustainable design|

A very lucid video illustrating what happens if we all just grab some shovels and get dirty!  (if we do it right, that is...) **Update** It appears someone doesn't want us watching that nice educational video, so here is a graphic that shows about the same thing, illustrating the importance of ditches, swales, rain gardens [...]

small space gardening

By |2016-12-12T06:29:47+00:00December 21st, 2010|design ideas, diverters etc, how-to, rain harvesting examples, raindom, sustainable design|

This shows a very simple method of collecting water in the downspout diverter, hiding the tubing under the second story deck, and utilizing your space wisely by storing the rainwater in the benches. Then, when you want to water your window boxes up there or your hanging baskets, simply plug in the pump and use [...]

Contact Info

8727 Airport Rd
Middleton, WI 53562

Phone: 608-836-8448

Web: secondrain.com

All of our products are designed, manufactured and assembled in the USA. We care about our environment and our customers, and thanks for supporting small business!

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