When you realize 55 gallons of water is not nearly enough…


It’s time to set a new standard in rainwater storage.

It’s time to save water like you’ve never done before.

300 gallons of rainwater collection.

One beautiful cedar bench.

All.  In.  One.

300galDIYkit Does it cost a small fortune?

Not with this handy dandy little DIY kit.

Now you can just order this, follow the detailed downloadable .pdf instructions (19 pages of illustrations and step-by-step for DIYers!)

UPDATE Feb 2017: We have simplified the instructions to make it a little easier to build with other materials. Both the new and old sets of instructions are available as .pdf downloads immediately upon purchase of this kit.

Pick up the cedar lumber locally – includes a shopping list to bring along.  (I strapped it all to the roof rack of my jeep)

Cut, drill, screw together, then do the chicken dance!!!


After building the first one, these 2 realized it also makes a grand stage for random improv performance



Why?  Because depending on where you live, it may cost you LESS than 6 new rain barrels.  And now,

1.  You don’t have to try to hide 6 barrels,

2.  You have a new cedar bench, so you can

Save Water, Just By Sitting There.

Great Scott, So who else is doing this?TinyHomepage58

TinyHouseLA Zack John Second Rain

2 - 300 gallon cedar rain benches in L seating

2 – 300 gallon cedar rain benches in L seating

Tiny House Nation on FYI™ – (Monday nights at 9PM ET on FYI) follows renovation experts and hosts John Weisbarth and Zack Giffin as they travel across America to show off ingenious small spaces and the inventive people who live in them.


Shown here are the 2 benches Zack and John built using our liners, exactly according to our plans.

(you would need 2 Cedar Bench DIY liner kits to build the same setup)

 Check out this rain bench coming apart and back together in 30 seconds…

And if you didn’t catch it yet, here is Scott and a few little helpers building this Rain Bench:

Find the DIY kits with full instructions to build this and more at our online store

Specifically, here is the link to the 300 gallon Cedar Rain Bench DIY kit:

http://www.secondrain.com/test/ cedar-rain-bench-tiny-house-nation/

And coming soon…

The WaterShed.  What is it, you ask?

A garden shed?

A chicken coop?

30 rain barrels?

Yes, it is.

shed render

shedWaterShed Progress


Sign up for ‘New Stuff’ on the right and we will notify you as soon as the plans are ready!WaterShed-complete