Social Links Shortcode
Avada includes a large set of social icons to use throughout the theme and you can also upload a custom icon These icons are a vector font icon instead of an image, which produces much faster load times and will always ensure perfect sharpness. Social icons are loaded with options that allow you to easily cusotmize them. Choose boxed or unboxed, border radius, icon color globally or individually, box color globally or individually, hover tooltip position and more.
Social Icon Set
Avada includes a total of 25 social icons with more added frequently and ability to upload a custom icon.
Boxed or UnBoxed Icons
Choose to have the icons be boxed or unboxed, and you can make this choice in several areas of the theme.
Full Color Control
Set one global color for icons and box, or individual per icon.
Border Radius Control
Set the border radius for boxed mode. Full control in pixel value for square, rounded or circular.
Tooltip Hover Position
Set the position of the tooltip hover to up, down, left or right.
Complete Set of Options
Every option and description included with the social link shortcode is listed below.
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